Weekend Disaster!

It's not actually a disaster, but, well...it really disturbs my sleeping cycle. I went to bed on Saturday Night at around 2.30 in the morning and I got up late in the afternoon. I didn't realize I slept through the day. Now I'm still up awake can't sleep and trying to find something to help me feel sleepy. I watched "How I Met Your Mother" season I but still can't sleep. I think the sleeping in is not the only reason I'm still awake. There are so many things going on in my mind plus my pms is still letting the hormones ruining my mood, making me sensitive over everything! Or maybe that syndrome also contributed to my sleeping in today. Make sense either way for me. So here I am, writing a blog post about absolutely nothing, hoping that I will be sleepy in the end of this post.

Sometimes all I need is just someone to talk to. But..it seems like no one wants to listen to what I'm gonna say. Maybe it's bc I'm a bitter, critical, cynical and negative person. I admit that. I'm trying hard to be better (not better in being all those things, but to the opposite direction), I'm trying to be sweet, sensitive and positive. Sometimes it's beyond myself, I couldn't sense it if I'm being critical or bitter or negative or cynical. Maybe bc I'm so used to it. Not good.

Okay...apa kurangnya gwe? I'm always tempted to say I'm lack of everything. Kurang kasih sayang? Kurang perhatian? apa kurang ajar??(pertanyaan nyokap gwe banget kalo lagi marah2) Kurang ajar mungkin eheheheh

Kadang gwe cuma pengen ngobrol ama seseorang yang punya genuine interest ama apa yang gwe hadapi. Dan gwe belum menemukan orang yang bisa..setidaknya hanya mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian. Ada sih..to some extent. Gwe ngerasa nggak bebas ngobrol ama keluarga gwe akhir2 ini. Gwe mesti harus (redundant kan..) belajar pengertian untuk nggak membebani abang gwe ampe keadaan lebih baik. Bonyok dan ade gwe susah dihubungi. Dan bukan berarti orang2 yang gampang dihubungi ngga punya masalah mereka sendiri. Masalah2 gwe yang payah nggak ada apa2nya dibanding yang mereka hadapi. Masalah gwe paling apa sih, kurang interaksi sosial, kurang komunikasi, kurang pede, kurang ajar :P

Sorry if there are negative things I wrote on this blog post. Don't mean to offend anyone. Just try to throw some things out of my head. Feel better now. It's the whole point of having a blog, isn't it. My problem's solved. I'm sleepy now.

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