Rain, rain, come today, come again another day!

It was raining the whole afternoon.

General Biology II lab today was about Terrestrial ecosystem, and supposed to be done outside, walking up the path trough the woods to MHPC from Married Student's quarter there. When the rain came, I felt somehow glad since I didn't have to walk outside when it's raining ehehehe

So we watche that torturous "Earthlings" instead. Actually they didn't have to stay to watch, but most of them stayed. Only two students left and the rest were brave enough to stay and watch the whole movie. I've watched that documentary more than once already but I still find it torturous. I have a sensitive heart, you see (yeah right!).

Anyway, the rain stopped right after the lab. Perfect! The rain loves me! Now I can walk home unharmed :D. I love the rain when I'm in a cozy room like my office or my bedroom. I don't have unconditional love for the rain, but still, the rain loves me :D

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