My Dear Onya,

I know it very well that you'd rather be sleeping at home than sitting in your office marking papers, walking three floors to prepare the labs or checking your email. I knew that you would say "Perfect!" when you saw the papers mounting up your table you could hardy find your red pen under it and start whining about your feckless life. Be reminded, my dear, you've received more than enough. You might not get what you asked, but you got what you didn't even ask. You're living a way better life that never entered your parents imagination when they were your age. You're living an unimaginable life and your future is even beyond your imagination. Look forward for the adventure that's prepared for you; what you have now is just a small path that leads you through the woods where you learn, observe, and inhale the gift of nature, like one of those hikes you had when you were little; you enjoyed it so much. Recall the feeling when things go ugly.

Difficulties you're facing everyday are just twigs and bushes on your way. Be happy with what you've found right now. It hard to be happy when you wish for something that doesn't wish for you. Sometimes God's plan for us is something we've never imagined and we don't have to think so hard or look so far to see his plan.

Don't fight for things that are not worth fighting for. They are just fog that covers your vision to see the things that you are suppose to put your focus on. Be honest to yourself, be honest to others. Accept yourself as you are, for better or for worse. Wear sunscreen. Read a lot, learn a lot. Have fun. Talk to God.

Dont' forget that you are loved. Don't expect everyone to love you if you don't love everyone. Learn to love everyone. If the one you love doesn't love you back, be grateful that you have the capability to love unconditionaly. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

With love,

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