I'm soooooo in Christmas mood. I miss the chill of my hometown, the mist and the smell. I miss the thick fog in late afternoon, so thick I could touch the vapour. I miss the food. Spicy chicken, shredded banana plant, sayur pangi, nasi bambu, ikan bakar, ayam bambu, acar kuning, homemade cheesestick, lots of cookies and candies...I miss kastengel, nastar..., hot choco. Most of all, I miss home, the house where I grew up. Or the one where we cooked our nasi bambu with firewood and filled our house with smoke. I miss the ambience of home. Rumah Kuala Kencana. I'm homesick..but which home? I don't have a home..now :) My parents have moved a few times since I left my hometown. I've never seen the house they're living in now. I don't even know the address!

"Nya, pulang nggak?"
"Pulang kemana?"

My mom longs for us get togehter again. All five of us. Sharing living under one roof for -at least- a week. Share stories like we used to be. Eat a lot. Cook a lot. Talk a lot.

Mungkin itu mimpi yang nggak bakalan terwujud, Ma.Kenyataan yang harus bisa diterima dengan keikhlasan.

Halahhh...cukup melankoliknye..kerja..kerja!

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