An acquaintance once said that we're bored when we're not doing anything because we don't have the sense of purpose and role in humanity. I find that true these days. When I was way younger, I was bored because I really DIDN'T have anything to do(which rarely happened); no friends to play with, all toys were either broken or had bored me, no place to explore, raining outside, no TV show to watch, no book to read, etc., etc. Now, and I mean NOW I'm bored because I've lost the sense of having a role in society as one of the reasons I'm bored. I have all the sources to not be bored but still, boredom from a purposeless life hanging in the air.

Purposeless life? Well..we all know that we all have purpose in life. (If anyone don't know, read Rick Warren's "Purpose Driven Life") I know that my life has purpose yet I'm bored? Maybe it's not the feeling of purposeless life. It's just the unsatisfied spirit of mine. When I was working, I really need and want holiday, and now, when I'm on "vacation", I want to work. Or maybe, I'm just worried about the future I can't enjoy the present. I have fear of facing the uncertain future. I could have done everything I could, but I don't really have the power over my future. I mean, things happen. We can plan out our whole life, yet unexpected things happen.

So..I think I've done almost all that I could, so I will just sit here, watching TV, and enjoy this day :)


jc said...

I understand the feeling a little too well!

Unknown said...

You know Onya, even though im doin "something" right now im still feelin like that, is this what im supposed to be doing? not sure yet...hope i can find out soon :)...enjoy watching tv for me :) take care