Where No Man Has Gone Before

We have come the the age where we can actually portray all the science fiction we had while we're growing up. Maybe MY generation, who are now young adults, mid-twenties, to mid-thirties. We had "Star Wars" trilogy not very long ago, a remake and sequels for 1977's Star Wars. We finally can see "Transformer" in a movie, not in cartoon anymore. The X-Men. Even "Alvin and the Chipmunks". I wonder if they would make "Voltron" or "Patlabor", or "Gundam" movies. Comparing "Batman Forever" and "Dark Knight" is like comparing integral and basic arithmetic. "Dark Knight" is the integral. Way more advance. We have the technology to "make dreams come true".

I tried to remember how 'Star Trek' was like, when the way younger me watching it on the only TV channel back in those days, TVRI (Televisi Republik Indonesia).I vividly remember Spock, Cpt. Kirk. The split-finger salute.Fitted uniform. And along came RCTI, with "Star Trek: The New Generation".I can't forget Patrick Steward, that Klingon, the guy with funny visor, and my favorite: Data, the only one whose name I can actually remember.

I've never seen any Star Trek movies. Maybe I did, once when I was much smaller; I couldn't remember. Anyway, I couldn't wait till someone download the movie so I went down to Bangkok and watched the movie. As "Angels and Demons" I didn't expect anything. Just enjoy. So I got the ticket in advance and waited for it while reading "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata. I chose a different seat this time. I thought I should try a couple of rows behind the row I chose for "Angels and Demons". I considered moving the seat a few rows forward, good thing I didn't. It was EVEN BETTER seat than the one before. It's right in the middle. Perfect. I planned ahead so I wouldn't hold my pee the whole movie, but this time, I was afraid I would miss the last van to Muak Lek. According to the ticket guy, the movie runs for 2 hours so by my estimation, the movie would end at exactly 20.00, and I have 10 mins. to reach Victory Monument. So just sit back and enjoy.

I was expecting they would put the theme song in the begining. They didn't; replacing it with a very futuristic opening. The plot goes back and forth. A bit confusing in the begining but there's no anachronism in the characters' childhood as far as I know . Blame of the "Black Hole" if the viewers find the story confusing. Thanks to Spock (spoiler). I didn't have to be Nero to realize that :) The couple on my right, left way before the movie got exciting. It's either the girl didn't understand the movie (she kept asking the guy what's going on), or they're going to watch "Night at the Museum 2" in the other room. I wouldn't waste my time guessing. I was just relieved they left since the bimbo had no idea what she was watching and she shrugged annoyingly when I tried so hard to hold my laugh on funny parts. She didn't get the joke. It was the downside of watching in the theater, I couldn't laugh my head off.

So basically the movie told the background stories of the main, original characters. No Spock's birth nor his conception. Sorry Raj:). The story goes somehow unpredictable until near the end. Of course we would know the end: the heroes will win. So, in the end, they saved the day, the story end (duhh..or just started, since it was "The Beginning")

The movie ran smoothly, no broken tape. Viewer should have a small knowledge about Star Trek to fully understand the movie. It's still enjoyable if one doesn't know anything about Star Trek,though. Those who have would have the "Ohhh.." moments. If no knowledge at all, at least ability to follow the story is needed. Crucially. If not, this movie would not be appreciated or enjoyed. Isn't that what the movie maker had intended, to put some hidden story on what is obvious? I mean, they would not give the story plainly. It won't be fun and stick the viewer on their seat. So like in any other movie, viewers need to follow the story, don't sleep or chitchating while the movie is on.

Unlike "Angels and Demons", they sprinkled some romance that somehow annoyed me, a little bit. The romance distorted the image of the characters. If I were the scriptwriter, I would write the romance in Spock's logic. Oooopppssss, spoiler! Ok enough with the spoiler. The story was dynamic, the music was a step below "Angels and Demons"'s, the picture was the best. Zachary Quinto's still hot as Spock (the real Spock would be steamy). Even Eric Bana was a good-looking Romulan. The comedy, even in just a bite, was a strong point in making this movie a must-see. Overall, go watch Star Trek XI!

Live long and prosper.

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