No Expectation

My main purpose of going to Bangkok yesterday was to watch "Star Trek". If I woke up yesterday morning as I planned to, the story would be different. I would watch "Star Trek", stop by Kinokuniya, watch another random movie and go back before 6pm. But I got up late, so I took the later van, reached Bangkok later than planned. When I got there at about 13.00 and "Star Trek" started at 13.40 but VIP ONLY. The next one would be at 17.40. What am I gonna do for 4 hours?, I thought. I had a silent plan to watch "Angels and Demons" too, but after I finish reading the book so I would have some ideas about the movie. I need to study it beforehand, in other words( I wish I did this during college :P). I haven't finished reading the book for..5 years! Started in High School when I found the book in a book store; it was in Bahasa. I started reading the first and second chapters, and I found the English version about 2 years later,and continued to third and fourth chapters and stopped; so I actually started it 7 years ago?? Wow! And I haven't finished it! To make the story short, I watched the movie with no "preparation" nor expectation.

I had a bad habit of doing research about what I'm gonna watch. Like "300"; I watched the trailer, the making, and read the review in Bangkok Post before I watched it. Or "Hitman". It was quiet a disappointment since they can't really depict the game into a movie. It was a whack (like Jun would say). Harry Potter fans would understand that. Or "Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian". Or even "The Princess's Diary". Annyyywwaayy, since I didn't finish the book, I had no expectation on the movie. I remember Deanna said about we're "disappointed by our own expectation", that so true to me. Since I had no expectation, the movie turned out to be a very good movie, excellent even!

These are reasons why it was an excellent movie according to me:

One. The plot is very intriguing. Since I had no idea how the plot will turn out, I enjoyed the fast-paced change of place. Of course it's slower and more details in the book, I believe.

Two. The plot was so fast, there was no room for romance. Why is this a good thing? I'm enjoying the excitement of actions, mysteries, and thrill, so if you (the characters) want to have romance, please, find your own time. Or play (or watch) chic flick. I wasn't in a mood for romance, and romance doesn't have to be in EVERY movie right? I'd prefer movies that have integrity; they don't have to put some romance to increase their gross revenue, in other words, get people to watch it. People are just so desperate to be loved (or just gullible) that they would be drawn for romance-themed works. Only a few movies had this integrity. The "Da Vinci Code" movie (not the book though, there was a hint of romance in the book between Robert and Sophia), "Finding Nemo", "Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe", and "The Passion of Christ" are just some examples of this kind of movies. Not that I don't like romance. If it's obviously a love story, or need some romance, I loved that. Like "Troy", or "Wall E". But some additions of unnecessary romance kill the movie, like in "Transformer". Come on, I want to enjoy the robots and the actions, do you have to put romance on everything? If you do, then make it more "romantic" and less "passionate". They are not Siamese twin, they can stand by themselves, romance doesn't mean passionate, vice versa. See "Wall E". Or the "Dark Knight".
That's my personal believe. You don't have to agree with me.

Three. The music. *Speechless...The best I ever heard, so far :) Really. The chanting choir, male choir in forte, Latin songs, all are my favorite.

Four. The setting. I like how Dan Brown brought the readers from places to places, gave the dynamic to the story that it wouldn't remain stagnant. I got tired just reading the book, the movie, even better! They shot the movie on angles beyond my imagination while reading [parts]the book.

Fifth. I was sitting on the best spot. In the middle.I didn't have to tilt my head backward because it's too close, or sit straight up for it's too far. My knees were stiff, though, from sitting down too long.

The movie was cut in the middle, as if the tape was broken or the tape deliverer was late (kaya di Janji Joni). The guy to my left kept eating, the noise he made was annoying. The couple to my right ate chocolate waffle (I think) the smell distracted me (I wanted some too :( ). I was holding my pee throughout the movie. Other than that, it was AWESOME!

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