So glad this is Friday. It was a crazy week, I tell you. Started with an eventful Monday, and hard labor the rest of the week. (*relieved sigh) THANK GOD IT'S FRIDAY!!!

It's Festival Of Faith (FOF) week so it was pretty tiring. It's suppose to be a spiritual-religious festivity as the name represents. Well..honestly speaking, everytime I think about "festival" I'm expecting..festival!This semester, maybe because I don't sit in the meetings a a student, it feels different. I still think as a student, but attendance is not a compulsory anymore, there's no urge to attend every single FOF meeting. Even there was this one meeting, it was so boring(for me) I sinfully regretted coming to the meeting and played with my phone and Mr.George was about to get my friend's handphone when I realized I should be listening. He reminded me that I shouldn't do that since I'm an "acharn" now (oohhh I hate that "title" more and more..). So I started to listen and it was actually a good message, it's just there were so many things to be done and sitting there wasn't helping finishing all those things. While thinking about things to be done, assignments to complete, I was looking forward to weekend.

And it has come.

Corresponding to the coming of Friday-and of course, Sabbath-, Frendy's sermons today were about Sabbath, resting, ceasing, holy rest and cennecting with God. Growing in up is SDA church, I couldn't see Sabbath as any other days. It's always special. My mom would cook special food or order it if she was too busy, and I always remember the red bean soup ( I'm craving for it...). So Sabbath wasn't about setting a day apart from the other, but it's already there, like a celebration, even though growing up, Sabbath oriented on do-don't things.

And now, it's really about setting apart a day to actually "rest"-holy rest as Frendy said. A day to stop thinking about labs on weekdays, chemical to be prepared, media to make, culture to grow, papers to mark and sit back with the Creator. Wow.

I wish I could have this feeling every week. When holiday comes, Friday is not something to look forward to.

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