
Teacher! Acharn!
I honestly hate it when people call me "Teacher" or "Acharn". Not only bc I'm not one, most them who called me that are even way older than me, and it comes with a big responsibility. When someone call you "Acharn", "Teacher", or even "Rabbi", he looks up to you. I'm not someone people should look up to. I'm living a paradoxical- oxymoronic-ironical life (blehh..heavy). People should look up to person like Jesus, not me. Yet, the responsibility people put on you (or me) actually help us keeping our stardard or-should I say- integrity. It's not a people-are-looking-at-me-I- should-look-good mentality. It's more of we-can-affect-others'-life attitude. Conciously or unconciously, we're affecting other's conduct. Of course each one of us have the power of choice, but still, environment has the power to influence people too. We are a social being, remember, and God has designed a social-yet-individual mechanism in us. (I'm confused. Stop there.)
So, I might be called a "teacher"(oh I hate it), but I have the mind of a student who wants to learn more and has a lot more to learn.

1 comment:

daronloo said...