Onya: A to Z

It was almost a year ago when I did my A to Z list. I want to do it again for fun, and see my "achievement" :D

A for...
On my previous A to Z list, I mentioned that I had a lot of crushes with names begin with "A" either first name, middle name, or even alias :D
I told one of my "A" crushes that I was attracted to him, (embarrassingly I told him I thought we're (might be) meant to be..what was I thinking??!!) bc he's such a good-caring friend and -I didn't tell him that- he's my type, and he's the only friend that constantly keeping in touch with me since I left Indonesia. Truth to be told, I'm contrary to his type but I'm privileged enough to be his friend, and I'm quite content with that. He's one of my blog reader on it's early days, I dunno if he still does read. Anyway, that's my "A" story. An "achievement" huh?

B for...
I always look forward to Wednesday for Barefooters practice. And I'm not the only one.Wait and see what's "D", and the reasons will be revealed :D
The Buckets. Hilarious!

C for...
Still, Calvin and Hobbes. Haven't been reading Calvin and Hobbes lately
The Chismis are scattered around Thailand and Singapore. Hope we can chismis again together. Soon.

D for...
This is one of the reasons I looked forward to Bf's practice :fellowship, singing, and DUMPLINGS! So sayang the lady who made them has gone back to China and I don't know if we'll ever find as good dumplings as hers.

E for...
Einsteinium. SO into Physics and Chemistry these days..Guess why :D...

F for...
Not Facebook again, but FUN!! I'm addicted to FUN now. FUN-aholic! Is there such thing?
Forensic Science. I'm going to do MSc. Forensic Science. Pray I can start next semester, God willing. FYI, all I have is faith. And willingness :D

G for...
Google? Let's change that. Actually, when I was typing "F", before "G" I was thinking of Gun. Cho Gun. He's one of my students when I was teaching for summer school in SDAEL Bangkok. He's the brother of Cho Min. He's one of the notorious students in my class which ironically, afraid of his dad, who was a Korean missionary. He would say that he didn't believe in God, yet he's afraid of sinning. One paradoxical kid, which made him unique, and somehow unforgettable.

H for...
"Happiness is a Choice.... Always."
I found that quotation in one of those friends blogs that I follow with the same title Happiness is a Choice. I was pondering about that thing she wrote on her blog, and I still had this skeptical mind that sometimes circumstances could make someone unhappy. But after everything that just happened yesterday, I came to the conclusion: Happiness is a Choice... Always.

I for..
Inquisitive. Daron gave me that "title":D I am inquisitive, and I can say that's one of my strength, but sometimes my weakness since the trivial knowledge taking up so much space in my brain.

J for..
J :"The hypothetical traditional source of those portions of the Pentateuch in which God is referred to with the Tetragrammaton rather than as Elohim." Wew..heavy! In other words, J is used by Bible copier to write God's Name. Still heavy. Interesting!

K for....
Kaumpungan. There's a new member of the Kaumpungan. She's now Mrs. Kaumpungan Jr. :D

L for...
Lord of the Rings. Still reading it. Never ending reading...

M for...
Malachite green. Wondering what that is? It's a stain to stain bacteria. It gives me the literal green thumb. I believe I have the figurative Green thumb, but this thing gives me the literal one and it's there for quite a while. Annoying.

N for..
Never say Never. Lerie's not the only one who told me this. Some other friends said that too. I'm still skeptical, since the more one says it, the more it will happen. I dunno, let's see. Never say never.

O for...
Opacity. Luv this photography website. All of these urban ruins are telling their own stories. Cool!

P for..
Pisonia. Not my name. It's one of the plants genus. I found that randomly on..Wikipedia. I also randomly googled "pisonya" and I found this website which apparently doesn't have much information, but creepy. Who made that, raise you hand!

Q for...
There was no "Q" on my previous list..HHmmm...

R for..
Raja Ampat. I wanted to apply for work there, but..I want to do my studies too..Dillematic.

S for...
Sheldon Cooper, PhD. Heheheheheh
Actually, for Sonia. My boss said in Hindi, it means "my daughter". So everytime he calls me "Sonia" it's like calling his daughter. That's what he said. (He doesn't have a daughter)

T for...
The Big Bang Theory. Not the actual science theory, but the TV series. I LLOOOVVEE IT!!! It really increases ur IQ, not like some other TV series that make you IQ go down a few points.

U for...
"You can buy your hair if it won't grow
You can fix your nose if you said so
You can buy all the make up
That M.A.C. can make
But if you can't look inside you
Find out, who am I to
Be in the position to make me feel
So damn unpretty
I'll make you feel unpretty too"

V for..
Still, Victory! Can't stop making that sign on pictures..peace..

W for...
Workaholic. I'm a workaholic in making. If I'm not lazy :D ehehehe

X for...
Xylopipe. I remember being in a Xylopipe band when I was in fifth grade. It was fun!

Y for...
Can't believe I didn't have "Y" on my last list too! I was more absent-minded back then.
Tell me how to read "y"! Sometimes it is read as "I" like in "why" and in "happy" it's read as "ee"..confusing. "Y"onfunsing (how to read that?)

Z for..
Zenith. Despite being on the last letter, zenith means the highest point above the observer's horizon attained by a celestial body, in terms of astronomy. Now I'm thinking Ztargazing..hhhmmmm


daronloo said...

walau!!! where did you find the time to write this?!?!??!?!?!?! i skipped from A straight to Z... :P

OnZ'Q said...

Like late at nite :D Insipred :P U should've stopped on "I" (*big grin)