I'm so frustrated with this slow office-computer! They expect me to work as much and as hard as everybody else but they gave me the computer that even a museum would refuse (becoz they can't work with it, not bc it's too old :P)!!
Quoting Deanna:"We are dissapointed by our own expectation", I was reminded that it's really hard for human to be content. So should we lower our expectation so we can reach our expectation easily, or higher our expectation and work harder to fulfil it, yet giving space to disapointment to crawl in? If we are easily contented, we wouldn't achieve much.
Thinking about this made me more frustrated that I have to content myself with a thought that I can't and won't achieve, and am not achieving everything that I want. Most of them are granted by the grace of God! So I have to be contented with what I'm given. It's a gift. Who am I to ask more? Yet,.."ask and it'll be given unto you"..Stop there! I'll be more frustrated and confused!

1 comment:

Deanna Beryl said...

I seriously think that there is phase that early and mid-twenties go through - the "What the heck am I doing? Why aren't I'm doing the things that I want to do? Or wait, what do I really, really want to do?" phase.

Sorry, that was a tangent. How did I get there.

I definitely do not think we should lower down our expectations. And I agree with you - we should not be easily be content because we wouldn't achieve much (we're so comfortable at where we are at we wouldn't want to move forward). There was a bookmark that I have that says: "Don't expect anything less than everything" or something like that. Hmm.

Maybe we need to be more open/aware that disappointments such as in forms of failure (remember Cher?) can happen. AND if it happens, it is okay. It is not the end of the world. So that, when our expectations are not met and we feel disappointed, a reassuring feeling seeps in and tells us "It's okay that we feel this way. It is normal. Don't beat yourself up for it."

It took a lot of brochures and heartaches to make me realize this. Not so easy to practice, but I'm sure I'll eventually be able not to be too frustrated when a client says, "I dislike the design. Change it."