I got so many things to do today, yet I'm writing a blog post. Ironically. Well..I'm so out of inspiration to do things, I read some people recent blog posts. My brother's getting married in less than 2 months and I still can't get over my possessiveness; he's still be my brother, but everything's gonna be different. It's not like he's not family anymore, but he's gonna have his own family. I don't know how it's gonna be like, well..to be honest, it's hard for us (my family and I) to accept that he's gonna love someone more than us. He's still love us, but he'll love his new family more ( of course! He has to.). It's a part of life (don't feel guilty, future sister-in-law); it's written in the Christian Bible: a man will leave his house and raise his own family with his wife.
It's hard to face the fact that he's a guy:guys are not good in keeping in touch with loved ones. And to be honest, the closer it is to the wedding day, the sadder I am: they both are leaving. Thought of the wedding day is actually exciting, but the fact that they're leaving in a few days after the wedding....ah enuf with that.
Although..the thought that he'll marry a wonderful woman (not Wonder Woman..u wish ler) is comforting. The thought that she's gonna take care of him, and be part of the Kaumpungans actually cheering me up.

We went to buy the dresses yesterday. Hot pink and orange bow. Can't show anyone till the actual day. I tried it last nite, and it was a good laugh at myself cos the dress wouldn't stay on my boyish chest. I had to keep pulling it up. Oh my.


Unknown said...

double-sided tape!!! ;)

OnZ'Q said...

I was thinking of using staples :D

Unknown said...


OnZ'Q said...

Too much "Corpse Bride".. :D

Unknown said...
