My typical post are posts without title. Some of them are with title now. But I like it better without title.

I can't believe I'm old enough to be called "grown up". My spirit is working hard to deny it but growing up is inevitable. Human will fully develop at the age of twenty, means one will stop "growing up" and start "growing old". If average human life expectancy is (roughly) 80 years of age, we use about only 25% of our life growing up, and the rest growing old. That's the average. There are outliers or anomaly, but that's a different story.

I couldn't help myself not to be worried when my mom said my dad got really sick. She said she was working in a clinic and my dad told her that he's so sick, he felt that he probably wouldn't see my mom again by the time she got home. Who wouldn't got scared getting message like that. Especially from the love of you life! My mom went home crying with the clinic owner's wife thinking that my dad was lying on his bed dying. She found my dad chit-chatting with a family's friend! I could guess how high her blood pressure was! My dad was just being bulala! For me, THANK GOD! He's turn the world upside down just becoz of his stupid message!

Well, honestly, I don't feel so relieved. I felt so melancholic this morning; if my coworker didn't call me to go to work together I'd be still in bed trying to find a peace of mind. Yeah, I always sleep when I feel something's not right but couldn't sleep if I'm worried. Ironic, or paradoxical?

Maybe that's what my parents felt when my siblings and I were growing up. We were so malikut; I know where my dad got his high blood and my mom got her impatience (not vice versa). We would do things that would risk our life, but it was beyond our comprehension. We were too small to see the danger we're facing. Now, after stop growing up (I'm actually still growing up, phisically, my wisdom tooth hasn't grown yet, maybe I'm more advance-ly evolved Homo sapiens : without wisdom tooth) I could understand how my parents were worried about us.

Maybe I'm just exaggerating. But my PMS won't be here anytime soon and I'm on my right mind. But I just feel something is not right and can't stop being worry. Or maybe I'm just overworked ;p or it's Friday. My mind needs to be refreshed.

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