I'm tagged, I'm it!

Since the rules of the game are:

  1. Tell everybody 5 facts about yourself. Usually something unique or that you think few people know about you.
  2. At the end of your facts. Tag 5 people (list their names down) and those people who are tagged will write 5 facts about themselves and tag 5 other people and so on and so forth!

(Question:Can I tagged people that are already tagged? So I can get more chismis bout them:D)
My facts are:

  1. I sleep with my eyes open. I wasn't aware of it till college.
  2. I have baby-doll-phobia. I was afraid of any human-like figures like Barbie doll or mannequin too!Well..not anymore
  3. I have moles on my tongue, lips, even the inside of my eyelids
  4. I grew up as O blood type until I was 13, when my brother got his medical report that said that his blood type is actually O, and my mom remembered that she mixed up our medical report when I was born.And I was actually B positive.
  5. I hate all reptiles and amphibians except turtle

and I tag

  1. Toer
  2. Bayu
  3. Ebee
  4. Icha
  5. Dael

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Eyes open??!! EEEK!