If you think that only your lover can break your heart, you are wrong. Friends can break your heart too.. And I think it's more painful if your friend break your heart, especially when you have no one to turn to..You feel so lonely and tired when your friend break your heart. When your lovers break your heart, you have your friend to turn to,as you know it. I know, some of us, take friendship for granted. But that doesn't apply for me. I didn't have that many friends while growing up neither do now. So, I treasure them, but sadly, like always happen, friends are also human, and I think it's a human nature to break hearts. Like me, I tend to hurt people around me, consciously, and unconsciously..sad,huh? And I think it's karma when your heart is broken.
I hate it when I'm striving to please someone, to keep her safe, protect him so he won't get hurt, do everything to show them love and affection, but in the end, she hurts you, he makes you cry, and they forget you. Pathetic, huh?
And while you're doing that, you feel that no one tries to keep you safe, protect you, and love you, and you feel so lonely and still call them friend? Life is hard, don't you think? You can't get everything you want, or even everything you need.
I'll be walking alone tonight, sleeping on my own, reading on my own, enjoying my lonesome life on my own, and does anyone even care? The good thing is I'm not the only one.
If you ask me the point of this post is: I'm trying to be caring and affectionate to someone, sincerely, but that person takes me for granted...And I hate it..

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