These are my last days being teenage. I will be older soon. There were so many things happened in my life. Youngster may have wisdom, but lack of experience. Young people may say they are wise, but they don't have experience. Experience is a good teacher, right? Experience can teach wisdom...and in this precious moment I want to thank them who take parts in those experiences that taught me wisdom...
First of all, I want to thank my God; My Heavenly Father, My Saviour Jesus, and My Comforter Holy Spirit.."You are everything to me, You more than a story. More than words on a page of history. You are air that I breathe, the water I thrist for, the ground beneath my feet..You are everything.."

Papa dan Mama, onya gak akan kaya sekarang tanpa mama sama papa. Onya sayang kalian berdua, tidak ada kata2 yang bisa menuliskan semuanya, onya gak bisa balas semua yang papa sama mama buat untuk onya. Onya berusaha supaya mama sama papa selalu senang ama pencapaian onya. onya gak mau lagi mengecewakan mama sama papa. Onya minta maaf atas semua kenakalan dan kesalahan onya. Luv ya..

Untuk Bayu..thanks for being a good brother. There's no other brother like you, tidak akan ditukarkan untuk apapun. I'm proud being your sister, I will try to maintain your good name :)

Untuk Marylin, jangan pernah berbuat baik ama Onya:D..I'm proud of you just the way you are. Jangan pernah takut atau khawatir kamu "not good enough" untuk menjadi bagian dari kami.

For all my friends, my childhood neighbours, classmates, roomates, dormmates, friends, everyone that tied my memories together, knitted the story of my life, spiced up my days, made them brighter, colorful, decorated them with clouds, rain, sunshine and rainbow. I'm very thankful that I had and having you all..

for Lerie, u r more than my brother girlfriend..you..more than that, and u r more than words:)

for my Indonesian friends, friends in need are friends indeed..gak usah sebutin satu2 yah.. capek ngetiknya :D

for Ola, Ebee, Nat2, Harry Pongrekun, Harry Rumampuk, Anthony Pangemanan. Jefferson and Jano Butar-butar, Ivanna Mogot, Citra Sihotang and all my childhood friend, thank you...I had the best childhood, ever..

for Ana, Yaya, Nova, Ucie, Ria, Bete, Ramses, Gombrang, Otte, Yoma, Vina, Ammie and all my highschool friends.. Miss u all..

My Broth Anggi, thnaks for your supports, encouragements and prayers. ILU,IMU

for Winda, Erick, k Eddie, and all my Ngarep friends..keep Ngarep!!

for my Bio-Classmates in Unai, Barbara, Meity, Cher, Agnes, Beauty and all of you guys..Semangat!!

buat Witnessing Sound..aza-aza figthing!!

For my Scientist friends, Arthur, dll, I'll see ya!! Semangat!

for my ex-highschool sweetheart, Aaron. Thanx yo! You taught me a lot of things. Of being humble, thankful, and care. I made huge mistakes towards you..Forgive me. I figured out that forgiveness is the answer of my hatred and anger. So..I'm sorry...Gud luck..

for my Best friend, Tommy, luv ya, friend, always..

for Rio Sasela, Thank you for the things you've taught me..GBU..

untuk kecengan gwe dimanapun engkau berada...I've luv you for a long time. thank you for adorning my dreams...and teach me to see from different point of view. so i can see things i cannot see...dream my dream..

thank you all..

I wish I can thank you all one by one. But I know, because of your kindness, gratitudes, and affections, The Lord will bless u all....