Almost 2011

It's the second last day of 2010 and so many things happen in the last few months since the last time I blogged on June. Actually, I didn't really update anything. So since Mangga told me to use the remaining credit for his internet this month, I thought to really put something on my blog.

Yes, these past two years wasn't easy. Started when I graduated when life "forced" me to grow up. I wasn't ready to face the world and be someone. I had dreams and things didn't work the way I wanted so I tried my best to go with the flow; I learned it the hard way how painful it was to go against the current. So...I found myself back home, learning things I never imagine myself doing and put myself aside as part of my 2009's resolution.

Now, I work as a Grade 1 teacher, got a wonderful guy to keep me company and put up with all my tantrum and self-centered behavior, got some vacation allowance, a set of Wii, and two turtles.

What I have now is totally different from what I had when I was back in Thailand; my life was never the same since my father passed away, and My mom and I are doing our best to comfort each other..and I know I'm the worst in being a good daughter.

So yeah, that's my 2010 in a nutshell. Barely. More later.

(I wrote this post yesterday, but there was blackout and I didn't get to post it)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

- David