
My purpose to build this blog is so I can see beautiful things in life that are overlooked although they’re all laid on plain sight. I was a very negative person, self-centered hedonist, cynical and critical. I am still. My brother said I have problem with my past that I retain a psychological wound and it had become fester that I have more tendency to hurt others. Analyze me! Maybe I was, but doesn’t every human being have the tendency to hurt others, even unintentionally? Every friction, every encounter, every move, every thought, every word we utter may cause hurt to others. Even the way we came to this earth caused pain. And yet, humanity survived living in pain, sufferings and calamities for more than 10,000 years if you’re a creationist or young-earth believer. So there must be something about it that we could actually survive living as an earthling?
Not all of us like me, seeing things in negativity, everything is all about suffering and pain. I’m not really like that, actually. It’s obvious that I’m emotionally perturbed as I write this post. Ironically, most of the times, being perturbed is actually my muse. I’ve been reading my old post and most of the times writing blog post had been my refuge, to express my perturbed thoughts and let the whole world read it. Everyone needs a channel to let out their pain and sufferings. Sometimes I get jealous with people who can express their feelings through something. My musician friends compose songs, another writes poem, some paint, and some yell at their bf/gf. Whatever ways they use their talents to express their feelings (except the last one) , pain and agony, most if is came out as the most beautiful masterpiece! Love tragedy like Romeo and Juliet is the most beautiful romance story ever! We learn memorable lessons from failures, hurts and mistakes.
I always ask why there’s pain, failures and heartbreaks, and I’m not the only one. Yet, I’m not the only one who takes things for granted. The most delicious food we eat is when we’re hungry the most; the most refreshing drink is when we’re thirsty the most; and the most beautiful thing is when we’ve seen the ugliest.

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