What's your major?

I think I'm not the only one who think Principle of Biology is an unnecessary course for GE (I'd prefer Environmental Conservation, but they said this course [PB] will make these people realize how hard Science is..hhmmm). Anyways, I was marking the test papers of PB and I just found out that these people would answer the questions according to their majors, probably since most of them are ESL speakers, the vocabs that were used came from things that they learned and more familiar with.
I won't mention the names, but I could guess their majors by looking at their answer. And I was right.

These are the answers that caught my attention:

  1. List the three main criticism that are put forth by Biologist about Darwin's evolution:
    "The variation can not create demand"...(Enterpreneurship Major)
  2. Who is given credit for having published the theory of inheritance of acquired characteristic?
    "A person who borrow or use the theory"...(Accounting Major)
  3. "Population have the potential to increase exponentially or algebraically." This view was borrowed by Darwin from....
    "The Scripture"...(Theology Major)

I bet those Science students would give scientific answers for some GE tests too..


Anonymous said...

Interesting Onya ...

Sejak kapan nih jadi pengamat tulisan tangan orang... profesi baru... tapi memang... scientist sejati... observing something ...

Trus gimana jawaban mahasiswa biology sendiri ?

daronloo said...

ahhaahhahah!!!! kalau english major apa? maybe they will rephrase the question into a simpler one... :P

OnZ'Q said...

fightto: mahasiswa bio sendiri nggak ngambil Principle kali, k..kan mereka ambil GB :D lagian unik banget jawaban2nya

Daron:Heheheheh!! One of the English Major actually asked the meaning of some words, he was more confused by my answer, so I tried to find the synonym, then he understood :))