I was talking to one of my supervisors, and we talked about his son from all topics. He has a five year-old son, I never met him, but from the picture and some other testimonies, he's a cute little man. I could imagine him running around with his round Homo sapiens sapiens head and bumping here and there and everywhere. My supervisor said he (his son) should get a job cos the first thing he would say when he got back from school:"Can I have juice?" and "I don't like this juice. It's yucky!" So he wants his son to get a job so he would know how expensive things are! Well..what do you expect from a five year-old? I thought that was cute. I mean, it's not like I luv kids, but somehow, they're attracted to me (I wish they're way older :D)Sometimes it's better to talk to kids, cos they're...innocent. They have cute sense of humor that's hilarious to grownups but kids take it seriously (like in "Blood" video on youtube)
I guess our parents are now looking back and thinking about those hilarious things we've done when we were kids and realizing how fast the time passed. And we will do the same thing when we have children in the future and so the cycle goes on.

1 comment:

Sendy Monarrez said...

the "blood" video! so funny! but poor lil kid! keeps saying it's not funny!!