School Rumble Forever!!


Any School Rumble Fans (beside me)?

So, these are the characters: goes like this...

But that chart is more from the first season of School Rumble. (And the picture of Imadori, it's actually a picture of Harry Mc Kenzie)On the second season, my favorite character, Tsukamoto Yakumo, would fall for Harima Kenji, also my favorite, but they didn't end up together. I don't know how the third season will be. Hopefully there are more twist and turn, more insanity, comedy, and more RUMBLE!

I went to a super-conservative boarding school so I didn't have that much twists like those in School Rumble. But it reminds me of my junior school, where I had crushes here and there and liking someone, but that guy's liking someone else. It was fun! High school was more of my "political career" and it wasn't as much fun as junior high school.

And as Lerie and Ale said, "Never say never", it's really true. I thought I would never have that "rumble". Wishing for something that doesn't wish for me, and something else that I don't wish is wishing for me. And it'll be an endless running-after-each-other.
A lifelong cat-and-mouse game.

I hope Yakumo and Harima will end up together on the third season. Tenma and Karasuma had their bitter-sweet ending on the second season. And Akira? Well..she has a lot more that, hopefully, will be revealed on the third season. Hanai and Miko? We'll see. Eri and Harry McKenzie instead of Harima Kenji? Nice plot!

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