Chronology of my journey

It started on Sabbath, 30 June 2007, after youth worship. It was a fun trip to Bangkok; we played BINGO on our way and we (means Lerie n me slept for the rest of the trip). We had fun doing the last minute shopping and tempted to watch a movie. We thought that we couldn't get money, but by faith, thank God, we could..(see, I told you, Bayu, just believe!!)..
Tiredly we went home, and I found out that a cat was wandering INSIDE the house!!
My trip was scheduled at 4.30 in the morning and I was sssoooo sleepy my eyes looked like 'L's eyes in the Death Note..really!
My trip was tiring and lack less flirty (means: lack of good-looking guy to check on along the way..). A girl opposite me on the plane thought that I'm a foreigner that she thanked me in English although we were both Indonesian. Nwys, the good thing that my good friend picked me up on the airport, and we had some stupid fun.

Nwys, life is okay, here. I can't expect more or compare it with Bangkok. Just be thankful that He always be here with me. I'm a bit lonely, though. My sister won't be here for long. So as Rani. I don't have someone to talk to. I missed my Meggie. And Murraya, Yanni, Tridax, Azadirachta, Mangifera, Passiflora, and pathetic Jimmy.
I miss Lerie, Bayu, Kessarin, Meilanny, Catherine, and my roomie. I miss my life there. I'm so not used to this one (dduuuuhhhhh)..It feels strange. I missed Bangkok. I missed BTS. I miss cafeteria,and Daron, and my students. And library. And *******. HHHmmmmm....I miss my mom. I miss checking rooms every night.I miss my dorm room. I miss everything!!

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