Another reason to thank God today..

Yesterday, in Cell and Molecular Biology, we discussed about the nucleus and everything in it. And we discussed about Lamina, and mutation that may happen and the result of the mutation. Mutation in LMNA gene, caused this syndrome they said. I really wanted to post a picture of a victim, but..no..copyright issue..visit www.progeriaresearch.org
Anyways, this mutation caused premature aging and victims died in young age bacause of heart failure or atherosclerosis. This syndrome, Progeria Syndrome, is similar to Werner syndrome, but it happens in early age.
The things that really click my mind is when the teacher said that we should be thankful that we are able to live longer and have good look. For me, it's another reason to be thankful for my life. I complained a lot these days. And this thing really remind me that there are many things to be thankful of. And I thank God for today...

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