Meet me again...
I've been away for three weeks..I'm back and another school year starts tommorow..
Many things happened this past three weeks:
I spent most of my time away from the civilazation, sometimes without nice bed, hot shower, cellphone signal, or even electricity. It was fun though. I loved it. I tried not to complain, and I survived..yyyeeeeeeeeyyyyyy!!!!!

I had my best birthday ever. Thank God..
I spent my birthday with my friends and teachers in Khao Sam Roy Yod National park. I thought no one knows my birthday, except for Sondang, but they bought me baby cakes..wow..
late in the afternoon, we went boat ride along the river, to see the cliffs, shone by the sunset. It was so beautiful, I never saw anything more beautiful than that...

I've been so close to tigers in the wild. Well, I didn't see them, but I heard them. It visited our camp at night, and it was an overwhelming experience..

I saw some hawks and eagles, in the wild like I never seen them before. I saw them before, but I never noticed their presence like it. ..

So much to say.. so little time..