
I never meant to be disrespect, or even become less respect by posting the picture of HRH Dasho Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck (sorry if I misspell the name..) or having the same picture of HRH Crown Prince of Bhutan hanging in my bedroom wall in the dorm.

His pictures is still booming until now since the 60th Anniverssary of Thai King last June, you can find them everywhere you go.

I got this kind of picture from Tuesday Market in Muak Lek, and we bought it together, me, Lerie and Bayu. It costs 50 Baht and we collected 20 Baht from each one of us, and

when I brought back this picture to the dorm and showed it to my friend, they said somethings really discouraging like," Forget about him. You won't get him anyhow..", "It's impossible. Just idolize someone realistic." Well I tell u, it wasn't about chasing an impossible guy, or go after unreachable person. It's about dreaming a dream.I know I will never get him.That's obviously impossible.I knew it. Even to meet him is impossible.But didn't you dream when you were a child? I will leave my teen within 10 days from now. But this picture will remind me always about dreaming, my teenage dream. My childhood dream about becoming a princess. And keeping my dream that's keeping me alive. And even you're growing old, you will never regret that you passed your childhood, teenage period vainly. You enjoyed your times becaouse you will never turn back time.

I know that I will never be a princess or a queen that rules a kingdom. But, I am a Queen of my dream, and I rule over it. I will feel free under pressure. I will stay alive..
I'm a child of the King, with Jesus my savior, I'm a child of the King..

Hidup secara realistic bukan berarti berhenti bermimpi. Justru hidup itulah tempat engkau mewujudkan mimpi2mu..